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Malvern Valley Golf Course, EMGC and Virus update


Dear Members,

With your upcoming attendance at the Malvern Valley Golf Course as part of the EMGC, we wanted to take the opportunity to provide some information and advice regarding existing and additional safety mitigants, which are in place in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Understanding COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus that can cause an infection in people, including a severe respiratory illness.

How does coronavirus spread?

Health authorities around the world believe the virus is spread from close contact with an infected person, mostly through face-to-face or between members of the same household. People may also pick up the virus from surfaces contaminated by a person with the infection.

The virus is spread by people with symptoms when they cough or sneeze. That’s why the best way to protect others is to practice good personal hygiene.

East Malvern Golf Club Members Information

Malvern Valley Golf Course will continue to facilitate games of golf for members who wish to attend at our allocated access times to the course. However, given the changing environment we are in, it suggested that members intending to play a game, that they contact the course staff to confirm operating hours. 9568 4433.

Also the club room is closed and the pro shop is only doing takeaway

Please note that until further notice Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday games will not be Competition rounds. All competition has been suspended until further notice and all games played will be at a social level.

To facilitate the request by the State Government we are requesting that members attending the Club allocated times on Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday the following instructions be followed.

How can I reduce my risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection when attending the Malvern Valley Golf Course?

  • Keep a distance span (4. square metres) between yourself and other people in the Pro shop as marked

  • Only 4 people (MAX) are allowed in the Pro shop at any one time.

  • On entering the club house – please wash your hand with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds and dry with the hand dryer or supplied paper towels.

  • When paying use a card

  • Flagsticks are not to be removed

  • All bunkers are GUR and a free drop outside is to be taken

  • If scoring Mark your own card. (Scores can be entered into Golflink)

  • No physical contact


· Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue

  • If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow

  • Continue healthy habits: don’t smoke, exercise, drink water, get plenty of sleep

  • Don’t come to golf should you feel unwell.

  • Wearing a face mask is not necessary if you are well

Important Notice Should you, after attending the Malvern Valley Golf Course become unwell or diagnosed as contracting

COVID-19, you are requested to immediately contact the East Malvern Golf Club Secretary, Russell Clarke and the course staff on 9568 4433

Should you have any immediate concerns for your health, please contact the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398 or visit

Updates can be found via DHHS website

We seek your assistance to minimise possible exposure to others, and ask you to not attend Malvern Valley Golf Course and seek medical advice, if you:

· Are unwell [experiencing fever, fatigue, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath],

· Have been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case or attended a public exposure site, or

· Have recently [in last 14-days] travelled:

o travelled or transited through a country listed by listed by the Victorian Department of health and Human Services Iran, South Korea, Italy and mainland China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau and Taiwan),

o or if you have symptoms and travelled Internationally [in last 14-days];

Additionally, if you fall into any of the below high-risk categories, we ask you to assess your need to attend to play golf:

This includes persons:

· Aged over 65 years

· With a cardiovascular disease

· With diabetes or high blood pressure

· With autoimmune diseases

· With chronic respiratory disease

Executive and Match Committee March 2020.

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