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Wednesday December 19 2 Man Ambrose Xmas Hams


Competition Winners : David Lake and Mike Leeds 54.5 nett

Runners Up:  David White and  John Busietta 57.75

Third: Harry Naidu and Peter Ferguson 58.25


3rd: Bruno Scarcella

5th: Shaun Williams

9th: Denis Yodgee

12th: Mike Leeds

14th: David White

16th: David McMinn

Next Wednesday: Boxing Day, next game is Jan 2

All Members please note:

The rules of golf are changing come January 1 2019

We will be distributing new rule books and flyers for the changes soon, but in the meantime and over the next 2 months it is also highly recommended you go to Golf Australia website , click on Rules and Handicapping- 2019 new rules or go to the website from the link below, there are flyers and downloads and 36 short videos that show you the majority of the changes ,there is also a link to download the 2019 rules app.


 Moving forward and to try and help with better communication around the club we ask that you download the Team App

Create a Log in for Team App , fill in as much detail as you want, search for east malvern gc ,request to join and we will be notified and will add you

We are just starting to use this app so the fixtures. events and news can be sent to members via the app,  we will trial using this app over the next few months

see Ian Storey or Mark Sutherland if you need assistance

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