Competition Winner: Gordon Coventry (17) 41 pts c/b
Front 9: Manny Zouros , Gordon Coventry 21 pts
Back 9 : Manny Zouros, Gordon Coventry, Eddie Alzier 20 pts
Nearest The Pins
5th: Roger Hastings
9th: Mark Sutherland
14th: Roger Hastings
16th: Roger Hastings
Matchplay Sunday summer cup: A Reeve d G Danby 5/4 , J Catton d S Johnstone 1up
Next Week : Feb 4 Stableford
Pennant sheets are on the board. Need players and helpers for home games for Marshalling and BBQ. any help is welcomed see Mark if you can assist.
We are running a footy tipping competition this year
see below link for details, i will update document when we have numbers
All players with Vouchers can they please use over the next few weeks or speak to Keith Strong if they feel they dont need them
Moving forward and to try and help with better communication around the club we ask that you download the Team App ,so far only 24 members have signed up
Create a Log in for Team App , fill in as much detail as you want, search for east malvern gc ,request to join and we will be notified and we will add you
We are just starting to use this app so the fixtures. events and news can be sent to members via the app, we will trial using this app over the next few months
see Roger Hastings, Ian Storey or Mark Sutherland if you need assistance