Attention All Members
“Congratulations to Michael Rossborough and his team for making the Scratch Pennant final again. It will be played this Sunday 26th of May at Werribee Park Golf Course, tee-off at 9.00am. It would be wonderful for as many members to come down and cheer on the lads, they deserve it.
Commiserations to Alan Reeve, Eric Asmus and the guys in the Handicap division who missed the finals this year. It is very tough to field a strong and capable team only to give too many shots to the opposition before play begins. Well done, they played as well as they could.
For those in the Handicap team who were prepared to play in the final at Werribee, please take the opportunity to now come down and cheer on the Scratch team. Your support is very important and will be much appreciated.”
Andrew Nally
Also please note trip info for November below:
The East Malvern Golf Club has announced that this years weekend golf getaway is to
Tocumwal Golf Club ( on the Murray just up the road from Cobram)
The trip is approx. 3 1/4 hours from East Malvern
The prices in quote below cover golf for our competition days Saturday and Sunday.
If you wish to play Friday its at your own cost.
If you are interested in going please fill in your details on the sheet in the clubrooms
Numbers are limited to 44
If you have any questions speak to Russell Clarke
