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Dear Member 

As a consequence of the introduction of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act a special general meeting will be held in the club-rooms after golf on the 23rd. November, 2013. The purpose of the meeting will be to propose the following resolution as a special resolution for adoption by the members that:

 “The document prepared by the committee be accepted by the general members as the Rules of Association governing the operation of East Malvern Golf Club Inc.”      This will be the only order of business.

Please note that you may appoint another member as a proxy for the meeting. I have included a copy of a form for this purpose. If you choose to use this option to record your vote, the form must be given to the Chairperson of the meeting before or at the commencement of the meeting. If the form appointing a proxy is sent by post to the above address or electronically to it must be received by the East Malvern Golf Club no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting.

P.S. Because the entire Rules of Association document is 24-25 pages in length it would have been prohibitive to print copies for all members to peruse. To make the document as widely available as possible a draft copy will be available in the clubrooms. If you want to look at the document on-line go to our website and follow the link to the document.

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